Museum Resources for Ancient Egypt

Canadian Museum of Civilization - Virtual Tour of King Tut's Tomb
See if you can discover the entrance to his tomb. Venture down the steps and through the corridor leading to the antechamber (you may have to play with the controls in order to get through the small entrance-ways). Explore the different rooms. Examine the wall-paintings in the burial chamber. Can you find Tut's mummy within the nested layers of the royal sarcophagus? If you investigate very carefully, you may even find yourself inside a mouse-hole, looking out into the burial chamber!

Royal Ontario Museum Online Activities: Ancient Egypt
Website includes the activities listed below, detailed articles, annotated links and suggestions for further reading.

Matching Quiz
ROM Online Activities: Test your knowledge of everyday Egyptian objects

Make Your Own Mummy!
ROM Online Activities: Learn how to make your own miniature mummy

Writing in Egyptian Hieroglyphs
ROM Online Activities: Learn how to write with Egyptian Hieroglyphs and use the Interactive translator to write, then print, your name.

VR Tour of the Ancient Egyptian Gallery

ROM Online Activities: Browse through the Late Egypt section of the Ancient Egypt gallery and see a cast of two walls from the New Kingdom mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri in western Thebes.

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