Encyclopaedia Britannica WW2

Encyclopaedia Britannica's Guide to Normandy 1944
Encyclopædia Britannica tells the story of the Normandy Invasion through the spoken recollections of veterans who fought it, the newsreels that brought the news home, and the written words of historians who have dedicated years to studying the great campaign.

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Normandy: Change the Course of History
In this role-playing activity, students will assume the identity of a real actor in the Normandy Invasion drama: Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, commander of all German forces in western Europe. But the script of the drama is changed: What if Rundstedt somehow learned exactly where, when, and how the Allies were going to invade France? The students are asked to consider two very different but equally plausible reactions by Rundstedt and then to explain which of the two would better meet the field marshal's goal: to save Germany and the German people from humiliation and annihilation.

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